Pre/Post Natal GYROTONIC® Application Course
The NEW edition of the Pre/Post natal
GYROTONIC®️ Application Course | Conducted by
Specialized Master Trainer Christina Stroh
*This course is approved as continuing education and update course for trademark license renewal

GYROTONIC® Update and Review
GYROTONIC® Update and Review with Specialized Master Trainer CHRISTINA STROH
Location: MCLA Studio
Dates: 3 Day Course | July 8th, 9th, 10th | Time: TBD
Course Fee: $350 | Studio Fee: $150
For course details and to RVSP contact: Here

GYROTONIC® Leg Extension Course
GYROTONIC® Leg Extension COURSE w/ Specialized Master Trainer Erika Hassan
Location: MCLA Studio
Dates: September, 10th-15th | 6 days
Course Fee: $750 | Studio Fee: $225
Sign up here
Space is limited RSVP your name on student list now via email info@movementcenterla.com | studio fee payment to confirm spot May 1st, 2021
Location: Movement Center LA

GYROTONIC® Level 2, Prog 2 Course
GYRTONIC Level 2, Prog 2 Course
Specialized Master Trainer Emily Smith
Emily from New York City and owner of Riverside Wellness NYC is known for working with dancers of all styles. She currently works primarily with company members of the
New York City Ballet, San Fransisco Ballet and Miami City Ballet.
Her dedication and expertise of the GYROTONIC® method is one of a kind. Don't miss out on this special opportunity.
Pre-Requist: GT L2, Prog2 Pre-Trianing
Location: MCLA Studio | Time: TBD
Dates: July 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th 2020
Course Fee: $550 | Studio Fee: $250
Sign up here

GYROTONIC® LEVEL 1 FOUNDATION COURSE w/ Specialized Master Trainer Christina Stroh
Pre-request: GT L1 Pre-Training
Course Dates: 12 days ~ 4 weekends | 6/26-28, 7/3-5, 7/10-12, 7/17-19
Course Location: MCLA Studio
Course Fee: $1500 | Studio Fee: $375
SIgn up w/ Christina
GYROTONIC® Level 2, Prog 2 Pre-Training
GYROTONIC Level 2 Program 2 Pre-Training
*Counts As A GYROTONIC® Update Course
Pre-Training w/ Specialized Master Trainer
Barbara Schwarz
Dates: 3 Days | June TBD
Course Fee: $350
Studio Fee: $200
Sign up here
GYROTONIC® Level 1 Pre-Training Course
GYROTONIC® Level 1 Pre-Training Course Conducted by Erin Rivera-Brennand
Course Fee: $850 | Studio Fee: $150
Contact: Erin for more info or to rsvp

GYROTONIC Applications of the Fascial Body
GYROTONIC Applications of the Fascial Body with Specialized Master Trainer Irene Rampino
Dates: 3 days | April TBD
Course Fee: $350
Studio Fee: $250
Sign up here

Bradley Method® Birth Classes ~Christina Stroh
Location Details : A relaxing Santa Monica beachside environment at Movement Center Los Angeles.
Class Details: 2 hour classes | 12 weeks | Start time TBD
Start Date: Sunday February 2nd, 2020
Sign up here and for any further questions

GYROTONIC® Supervised Apprentice Review
GYROTONIC® Supervised Apprentice Review
w/ Specialized Master Trainer Christina Stroh
Pre-requistes: Required to have taught at least 30 GYROTONIC® classes prior to attending the course.
Location: MCLA Studio
Dates: January 24th 2020
Studio Fee/Deposit: $150 | Course Fee: $350
Sign up here

GYROTONER® ReFresher Course
GYROTONER® ReFresher Course
Conducted by Specialized Master Trainer, Emily Smith
Emily lives in NYC and has recently relocated her studio check it out below www.riversidewellnessnyc.com
*Counts As a GYROTONIC® Update Course
Course Fee: $400 / Studio Fee: $175
Dates: June 28th, 29th, 30th | Times TBD
Location: MCLA Studio
RSVP: here

GYROTONIC® Foundation Course
w/ Specialized Master Trainer Barbara Schwarz
Dates: June 14th - June 30th
Location: MCLA Studio | Time: TBD
Course Fee: $1500 | Studio Fee: $350
*Completed Pre-Training
RSVP your spot here

GYROKINESIS® Essentials Part 1: A Journey of Spinal Motions towards Level 1
GYROKINESIS® Essentials Part 1:
A Journey of Spinal Motions towards Level 1
Conducted by Specialized Master Trainer, Alicia Head
This 3-day course is a dynamic and systematic approach to preparing the spine and nervous system for the full formats featured in GYROKINESIS® Level 1.
Three class formats are presented:
Program 1: Decompression of the lumbar spine
Program 2: Decompression of the thoracic spine
Program 3: Decompression of the cervical spine
Each format was developed for a 60-to-90 minute class and they can be presented either as a progression or independently. This course satisfies continuing education and update requirements for certified GYROKINESIS® instructors as well as GYROTONIC® instructors who are also certified in GYROKINESIS®.
These are new GYROKINESIS® formats and they explore three different aspects of spinal motions - lumbar, thoracic, and cervical. The classes still follow the basic sequencing - Awakening of the Senses, Spinal Motions, and either standing or floor work - but the stimulation to the nervous system is more gentle and gradual. The class formats presented in the GYROKINESIS® Essentials course are perfect for beginner level students and also for experienced people who enjoy deepening the work. This approach allows us to discover more about the internal process of elongating the spine and how to best prepare our bodies for energetic awakenings. The formats also work beautifully as a warm-up for private sessions or group classes and they increase understanding of the basic principles of the GYROTONIC® Method.
Course Fee: $350 | Studio Fee: $175
Dates: March 8th, 9th & 10th | Hours: TBD
RSVP here

GYROTONER® Refresher Course
GYROTONER® Refresher Course
Conducted by Specialized Master Trainer, Kathy Van Patten
In August 2018 Kathy attended the GYROTONER® Course with Juliu in Germany. The last time Juliu had revised the GYROTONER® course was in 2012. This refresher is based on the NEW material. Students will receive new manual and DVD!
*Counts As A GYROTONIC® Update Course.
Dates : January Thursday 24th, Friday 25th, Saturday 26th | 3 day course
Times: 5 hours per day w/ break | TBD
Location: MCLA Studio
Course Fee: $400 | Studio Fee: $200
Space limited RSVP your spot here

Archway Refresher Course
w/ Specialized Master Trainer Christina Stroh
Date: 9/21, 9/22 & 9/23
Location: MCLA Studio
Course Fee: $350 | Studio Fee: $175
RSVP your spot here

GYROTONIC® Archway Course Level 1 Refresher
Archway Course Level 1 Refresher with Specialized Master Trainer Kathy Van Patten
Location: MCLA studio
Dates: December 20th, 21st, 22nd
Course Fee: $350 | Studio Fee: $150
Contact: info@movementcenterla.com

GYROTONER*Course w/ Specialized Master Trainer Kathy Van Patten
Counts as a GYROTONIC® Update Course
Location: MCLA studio
Course Fee: $550 | Studio Fee: $200
Dates : December 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th
Contact: info@movementcenterla.com

GYROTONIC® Supervised Apprentice Hours
GYROTONIC® Supervised Apprentice Hours
w/ Specialized Master Trainer Christina Stroh
Location: MCLA Studio
Dates: Segment 1 June 30th, July 1st, July 2nd | Segment 2 July 28th, 29th, 30th (total 6 days)
Time: Start time Friday 12:30pm | Saturday 10:30am | Sunday 10am (total 15 hours)
Cost: Segment 1 - course fee: $350 + studio fee: $150 | Segment 2 - course fee: $350 + studio fee: $150
Contact: Christina to RSVP
Pre-Requeste: Segment 1 the apprentice must have at least 20 "teaching hours" | Segment 2 the apprentice must have at least 40 "teaching hours"

GYROTONIC® WingMaster Workshop
GYROTONIC® WingMaster Workshop
w/ Trainer Mike Luque
This workshop increases the vocabulary of exercises that are possible using the GYROTONIC® Wingmaster and the Pulley Tower. Trainers learn new ways to connect the Wingmaster to the Tower then take those movements and add total body connectivity and strength. Pushing and pulling, upper body strengthening exercises are combined with lower body strength movement, like squats and lunges. The exercises in this workshop can be applied to clients of various ability levels, from seniors with strength and/or mobility limitations to athletes seeking to increase total body conditioning and coordination.
Location: MCLA Studio
Dates: June 9th - June 11th | three days
Times: Friday 6/9 12noon - 3pm | break | 5pm - 8pm // Saturday 6/10 11am - 2pm | break | 4pm - 7pm // Sunday 6/11 10am - 1pm | break | 3pm - 5pm
Course Fee: $350 | Studio Fee/Deposit: $150
Contact: Christina via email to RSVP your spot
Prerequisite: Certified GYROTONIC trainer. Workshops do not qualify for continuing education credit.
Mike began his GYROTONIC® journey as a client in 1998. Mike was already a massage therapist and after only 5 sessions he realized that for people to really improve their bodies, they need to do some of the work themselves, so he decided to become a trainer. Working with Debra Rose and Nora Heiber, he became a certified instructor and certified on all the specialized equipment. He's also a certified GYROKINESIS® instructor and has taken the foundation with Juliu Horvath and again with Domini Anne. He's had the great pleasure of taking courses with eight different Master Trainers.
Mike first started developing the Wingmaster workshop when he was living in Atlanta. It began with the simple question "Hey, why are there eye hooks on the back of the Wingmaster?" So he began to explore. With his background as an NASM personal trainer, he took movement principles from traditional strength training and applied the GYROTONIC® touch to them to develop the Wingmaster workshop.

Yoga Narada Class
Yoga Narada
w/ Trainer Lauren Puente
Dates: Thursday's
Time: 10am - 12noon
Where: Cedar Street Yoga | 1013 Cedar Street, in Santa Monica
Per Class Cost: $25
Contact: Lauren via email to RSVP your spot
w/ Specialized Master Trainer Erika Hassan
*Counts As a GYROTONIC® Update Course
Six Day Course (one day off) w/ Specialized Master Trainer Erika Hassan
Course Fee: $750
Studio Fee: $250 (non-Refundable Deposit)
Dates: March 21st | day off March 24th | March 27st
Times: 12:30pm-3:30pm, break 5:30pm-7:30pm
Location: MCLA Studio
Contact: Christina via email to RSVP your spot as space is limited

GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower Class
Sunset Hour | GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower Class
w/ Trainer Karen Safrit
Location: MCLA
Date: Tuesdy's
First class: 5:30pm-6:30pm | Second class: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Cost: $35 per class
Contact: Karen via email to RSVP your spot as space is limited

GYROTONIC® Level 2, Prog 2 Course w/ Specialized Master Trainer Kathy Van Patten
GYROTONIC® Level 2, Prog 2 Course
w/ Specialized Master Trainer Kathy Van Patten
*Pre-Requisite: GYROTONIC Level 2, prog 2 pre-training
Location: MCLA Studio
Dates: December 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 2016
Hours: 5 hrs per day with 2 hour break (TBD)
Course fee: $550 | Studio fee: $175
Contact to RSVP: info@movementcenterla.com

GYROTONIC® Pre-Trainer Update Course
GYROTONIC® Pre-Trainer Update Course
w/ Specialized Master Trianer Christina Stroh
Location: MCLA Studio
Dates: July 22nd - 24th 2016
Hours: Friday 12:30pm-4:30pm, Saturday 12:30-4:30pm, Sunday 9:30am-1:30pm
Course Fee: $350 | Studio Fee: $100
Contact: cstroh@movementcenterla.com

GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Foundation Course w/ Erika Hassan
GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Foundation Course w/ Specialized Master Trainer Erika Hassan
Location: MCLA
Dates: 9 Day Course | 4/20, 4/21, 4/22 | 4/24, 4/25, 4/26 | 4/28, 4/29, 4/30
Hours: 4/20-4/22 12noon-3pm, break, 5pm-7pm | 4/24 10am-1pm, break, 3pm-5pm | 4,25, 4,26, 4/28, 4/29 12noon-3pm, break, 5pm-7pm | 4/30 10am-1pm, break, 3pm5pm
Cost: Course Fee: $950 | Studio Fee/Deposit: $300
Contact to RSVP: cstroh@movementcenterla.com

GYROTONIC® Level 2, Prog 1 Course w/ Specialized Master Trainer Emily Smith
GYROTONIC® Level 2, Prog 1 Course w/ Specialized Master Trainer Emily Smith
*Pre-requiste GT L2, Prog 1 PT
Dates: February 25th, 26th, 27th & 28th
Location: MCLA
Course Fee: $550 | Studio Fee: $200 (non-refundable deposit)
To RSVP contact: cstroh@movementcenterla.com

Pre-Natal GYROTONIC® Classes
Pre-Natal GYROTONIC® Classes
w/Trainer Mary O'malley or Christina Stroh
Location: MCLA
Dates: Every Saturday 12noon - 1pm & Sunday 11:30am - 12:30pm
Cost: $35 per class
Contact: info@movementcenterla.com to RSVP your spot as space is limited